18 Feb 2018

Guys: Hide this from your women!

Yes, this is terrifying, it scared the bejabers out of me. There is a site shown almost everywhere out there that tell women how to make us guys their slave for life.

Be sure to hide it from those enslavers. Now, not when it is too late. Write your congressman or whatever authority you know, this need to be hidden in the deep cellars under the Smithsonian!

The program, if you can call it that, is called "His Secret Obsession", and it promises to "show women how to tap into a powerful life-long desire all men share, and harness it to transform the way men experience them. This desire is supposed to be a half emotional need and half biological drive, and it is rarely satisfied in life or love. Once a woman knows how to satisfy this "secret obsession’ she will become a man’s highest priority for life, they say.

Very scary, indeed. This is the page to look out for:

 His Secret Obsession

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