8 Dec 2010

Sick Leave For Online Marketers

I turned in with a cold. Not bad, but seriously sick enough to feel like staying in bed for a couple of days. Sure, I called in sick (heh!), and my bosses (me, myself and I) were very understanding. But I could not promise myself any paid days off. Paid sick days, often referred to as sick leave or paid sick leave, guarantees workers time off to stay home when they are sick without losing pay or their jobs. A deal that only partly can be applied in a case as mine; "NO, you bugger, you DON'T get paid... But I can't fire you either!"

It is a disaster for most of us marketers that concentrate a big proportion of our marketing strategies and -campaigns on traffic-exchange to get sick. Simply because way too often you won't be able to do those clicks/day demanded to have your ads running.

I am fortunate enough to not bee that sick too often, maybe once every other year at most, but it still got me thinking of how we poor self-employed online marketers can prepare for such a disaster.

One thing, of course, is to stack up a nice pile of credits in all the different places you normally use to advertise... A thing often easier said than done.

Another way is to use a bunch of free safelists, and that is what I did this time. I was lucky enough to have a self-made list of responsible ones that I made a few weeks back while - for a totally different reason - was doing some research on them. And I had a few responses too, lucky me.

So, to help those of you that plan on getting sick in the near future I place that list here:

I sure, as well as you, do know that a small list of safelist have no chance of compensating you for not being online doing the work yourself. As a marketer we NEED to be there - the personal contact is so important, but if it can prevent us from doing a bankruptcy it is good.

If you have any other ways on your mind, please feel more than free to share them!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that list. I found several great tools that are new to me.Thanks for posting. This post is very helpful to us.

Online Marketing Melbourne

Castors said...

This post is very helpful to us.