29 Dec 2008

Making Money with Nostradamus

Making money with the famous predictions by Nostradamus? Are you joking, Ben?

No. I have found that at this time of the year, from Christmas to a couple of weeks after New Year, google search explode with searches from all over the world on the terms; Nostradamus, Predictions, 2012, End of the World, ancient maya.... You name it.

So how do you make money about that?

Well, it is as easy as ine two three. One - Start a blog. Two - choose a subject. Three - Blog!

Let me show you one example:

Related search terms on Nostradamus are: nostradamus, nostradamus 2012 prediction, nostradamus predictions, nostradamus 2012 history channel, nostradamus end of the world

Then you go and write a short article, like:


The old Mayans already new that the end of the world is coming on December 21st, 2012.

Years ago that was in the far distant future. Now its right around the corner. What is it with that date that so many ancients prophesied that the world would end then? Read about the Nostradamus predictions and others.

Its hard to understand how there can be new predictions coming from a man who has been dead almost 500 years. However, it seems that new writings have been found. They obviously aren’t ‘new’, but they have previously been hidden. The revelations that the most famous medieval prophet wrote were controversial and considered blasphemous in his time. A previously unknown book of Nostradamus’ prophesies has been found in the National Library and it contains his end of the world prophesy...

And so on. You see? Filling the context with all those searchwords soo needed is easy. Then fill in with links to places where you get commission, like ClickBank and others, and.... Done.

As I said, easy as one - two - three!

15 Dec 2008

Your Computer is getting too slow!

Every now and then I hear complains in the chat about how the computer is getting slow when surfing on a TE. Well, that is true, that happens, so here is the easiest solution to that problem:

Clearing your cache and cookies.

Most browsers hold a saved copy of visited webpages. Clearing your browser's cache and/or cookies can resolve a number of problems you may be experiencing while surfing or on the web. Instructions for clearing your cache and cookies are different for each browser type. To clear your cache and cookies, follow the steps below.

For MS Internet Explorer:

1. Click Tools at the top of your browser window.
2. Select Internet Options from the menu.
3. Select the General tab, if it's not already selected.
4. Locate the Browsing history section and click Delete.
5. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click Delete files If a pop-up window appears, click Yes.
6. In the Cookies section, click Delete cookies If a pop-up window appears, click Yes.

For Mozilla Firefox:

1. Click Tools at the top of your browser window.
2. Click Options.
3. In the Private Data section, click the Settings button.
4. Ensure that Cache and Cookies are checked.
5. Click OK.

For Safari:

1. Click Safari in the upper left corner of your display.
2. Select Reset Safari from the menu.
3. A pop-up box will appear. Click Reset.
4. Click Safari again.
5. Select Empty Cache from the menu.
6. A pop-up box will appear. Click Empty.

I am aqtually very surprised of the amount of people who have NO clue about how to perform this easy task. When I ask them if they have cleared the cache, the most common counter-question is; huh?
Hopefully this will save a few of you from those unnecessary re-boots.

10 Dec 2008

How To Win The Lottery

Recently there's been a huge amount of lottery-money up for grab; here is but a few of the headlines I found taking a normal Google-search:

MegaMillions jackpot balloons to $207 million (The Associated Press)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Many Hope to Bank on MegaMillion's $170 Million Jackpot (MyFox - Houston)

Mega Millions jackpot grows (Kalamazoo Gazette)

This list could go on, and on, and on.... The question we all need to get answered is: How the heck to go about to actually WIN some of that money!?

You could get married and use the weddingdate... Like this couple in UK...
Or you could use a FROG to predict your numbers, like this woman!

The simple FACT is; Most of all of those How To Win The Lottery tips you ever hear about or read are complete garbage! What? Are you not surprised?

Have you never heard of Terry Fisher? See Proof Of $1,008,742 And $1,374,195 Wins!

Lotto Video - As seen on TV See What Independent TV's "A Current Affair" Says About Terry Fisher

What If There WAS a Way You Could Win More, More Often ?" And Can You Afford to Miss It ?

If I CAN show you the secrets that will dramatically increase your chances of Winning the Lottery - 100% risk-free - would you be interested?

Will you spend 90 days using the simple, easy, quick strategies in this breakthrough lottery book (spending no more on lotto tickets than you do now) to check out if we REALLY can help you - Knowing there's a cheerful 100% refund if your "luck" hasn't changed for the better?

How can you lose? You WILL Win More, More Often - Or you get a free lottery book! It's a no-lose situation. You ONLY have Two Options - WIN or a FREE BOOK.

lottery book order form

5 Dec 2008

Virus Warning! The Koobface is Back!

Facebook virus Koobface has gained a foothold into many accounts of the social network's users.

First spotted in August, the program sends emails to a user's friends and asks them to check out a funny video on a site, using a stupod subject line like "You look so amazing funny on our new video." or "You got filmed all naked".

The site looks like YouTube, but asks you to download an update to the Flash Player to watch the video. This download contains the virus.

Some victims report the bug has taken control of their browser, redirecting Google search links to other pages.

Facebook is resetting passwords on infected accounts, removing malicious messages and working with third parties to remove redirects to malicious content elsewhere on the web, the statement said.

If you get infected, or just in case, you might want to have a look at some of these:

Macrovirus On-call

Remember, there is one NEW virus developed and released EVERY SECOND!

4 Dec 2008

Combining Your Efforts

One of the most powerful ways to bring people to attention of your product again and again is to have them sign up for your opt-in email list. Once someone has signed up you can send them tips, articles and special offers.

Or, if you are into MLM (Multi Level Marketing), one of the keys to having success is to build a huge downline. Another place that downline building is crucial, is with traffic exchanges. Most traffic exchanges give you credit every time one of your downline surfs.

This tool combine them both. You get your personal leads WITH the signupdate, location and IP-number for your own use. AND, you get a few downlines in some pretty good TE's going at the same time.