14 Nov 2012

VastHits Banner Ad Exchange

I've been trying out a thing I've never tried before; Banner exchange. The place I got this was from the traffic exchange VastHits, one of the TE's where you get paid for clicking - 30 cents per 1000 clicks. Yes, well, I know it aint much, but considering you get all the free traffic too, a few extra cents in your account are always welcome.

The banner below is an example of how it may look:

When I'm writing this, VastHits claims that a total of 284152 banners are shown throughout Vasthits and Members sites. Pretty impressive!. 

The instructions are simple and easy to follow, so hopefully this is something good :)  We all need a bit of positivism sometimes, so I will try this out for a while.

Go ahead, try it for yourself!

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