Paid To Click programs, or PTC's, are a way of generating some fast cash simply by reading mails or commercials. Basically the tought behind this way of advertising is very easy and not hard to understand. An advertiser pays for a commercial to be seen/read a certain amount of times, and you get a share of that payment by doing so.
Here are a few programs I found that actually pays You the money they promise:
Clix Sense - Pays by check
PaidSuperMail - Pays out after $2 to PayPal
Candace - Pays when you have $10
and a bit different, a safelist that pays you for reading the mails:
GOT-safelist - 5 bucks payout
Then there are a huge amount of TE's (trafficexchanges) that pay you actual money for reading messages and mail, here only a few:
And many more. Remember that there is a HUGE amount of scams out there! Always beware of them!
Drinking red wine gets better and better...
7 years ago
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