29 Nov 2010

PayPal reports to IRS

As most of us law-obeying citizens I know and even understand the need and the reasons for us to pay taxes.

However, every time I have to pay them I feel sick. Don't you?

So when I stumbled over a splash-page (the picture below - who made it, I unfortunately do not know) that told me that IRS will be getting information directly from PayPal I felt a cold chill going down my spine. And for the first time in a long time feel really lucky.

Why? Oh, for once I am not pissed anymore because PayPal froze my account - with all the money in it - they can keep them. And I am SO happy that I for over a year now have been one in the happy family of AlertPay!

And I have never had any reason to complain about the service!

So, why don't you do the same, sign up for AlertPay NOW!

Socializing in Traffic Exchanges

A funny thing just happened. I was bored to death and getting a bit frustrated about the fact that there suddenly seem to be absolutely nothing to write about. So I decided to do what I always do when that happens: Log in to some of the surf-sites where they have a chat.

Today I logged in to Hit Lion, StartXChange and I Love Hits. "Hit Lion" was no fun, not for the mood I was in now. In "I Love Hits" they mostly said Goodnight and Hello, that time of the morning for the users in there. In "StartXchange" they had just talked about Finland, the wonderful country where I live!

Jiihhaa, saved by the bell!

The boredom was gone, and so were the thoughts of writing suicidal notes as the last thing ever to be written by me!

So, there you have it; The Traffic Exchanges will help you, not only to riches, but also to get on with your simple daily tasks! Social Marketing at its best.

Thank You, StartXchange and Tim Linden!

Oh, and thank YOU, all the guys that do the surfing and chatting!

26 Nov 2010

The Power of Habits

The disasterous amount of damage done to your business when you create the wrong habits is something many of us tend to overlook. Until it is too late; One day we simply wake up, and there they are.

For a couple of months now, the first thing I did every morning when I woke up was to make me some coffee, and while I waited for that I turned on my laptop, opened my main email account to see if there were any important messages, then a second tab with the morning news, put the radio on for the local news, a third tab with whatever program I work at the moment, drank my coffee while I glanced at the news, answered my mails... And then got to work. Wrote a few short comments on future articles, planned the clicks I was going to do during the day, wrote some stuff to my autoresponders and so on.

Sound familiar? Yes, and it is the way most of us do things. And it is a pretty good way of doing things.

Then I, one day a few weeks back my internet went down. I had a temporary line installed, a much slower one. That led to me having the time to drink my coffee before I even had the connection up and going in the mornings. And it was so slow, that when I finally, after three huge cups of coffee, had it up and going I could only have one tab open at time. So, when I'd read my mail, I read the news, opened another email of mine, and then a third. Having checked all of those, I already needed a break. So everything got late; No articles, all the ideas I woke up with had to be put first on paper, then written into some kind of offline editor and then moved online. Everything that was not immediately needed for my main programs had
to be cut off. All those little things, the "Extras", that I had put a few minutes on every morning were gone.

Well, my internet connection came back. But there I was, still opening one tab at a time, sipping my coffee, staring blank. I had developed a bad habit.

Now, when I'm trying to get back on track, my work feel like work. And you all know the danger of that, don't you? Work is supposed to be fun, or... You quit!

Yes, well. I am NOT going to quit, but as a simple word of advice: Look over your habits. In time!

22 Nov 2010

Oh my, I am getting older!

Yes. I am.

The maybe not so fun fact, oddly enough in some strange way the fact somewhat comfort me; So are you!

Yesterday one of my other blogs celebrated its 2 years birthday. If a blog can do that. Anyways, when I had a small checkup on the things I wrote two years ago I could not believe my eyes. What the heck? Did I really try to convince people that this crap was for real?!

Things change, people change and approaches to both of those change too. And I bet that, if I live long enough, I will have a blast when I read this in 10 or 20 years.

However, there is one thing that don't change. And haven't done so in the last 4000 years or so; The need of us to earn money. There's a multitude of "reports", "free e-books" and guides out there that all try to show you how to get rich in - if not in days or hours (scams) - a few weeks. Most of them are CRAP!

Well, I guess you knew that.

One thing I found, when reading through my old stuff, that I have to admit I'd completely forgotten totally was a program called "Take The Internet Back", or T.I.B. Mostly for fun I logged in to check it out and to my amazement it looks great! Huge amount of totally free e-books and applications downloadable for the benefit of your business. Many of them you can re-brand the way you want and shuffle them ahead as viral marketing products!

I know where I will spend a lot of hours the next few days; TIB!

19 Nov 2010


I was cleaning up some old files on a laptop I really haven't used in over a year. Why? Oh, the reason why I was cleaning it up is the simple fact that I was bored, the reason why I haven't used it is even more simple; While having a conversation, chat, online with one of my downliners I got so upset that the beer... uh... Coke I was drinking fell over the keyboard. Needless to say my laptop did not like that.

Uff, I see my mind wandered off again. So, anyways, there I was cleaning old files when I stumbled over a text document with no name. For you to understand how unusual that is, I have to tell you that a thing like that have only happened once before in my life; when my then 16 year old son was "borrowing" my computer.

Back to the textfile. I discovered a very well written article about affiliate marketing. The thing is, I did NOT recognize the darn thing as mine. I know that, at the time, I wrote a lot - and I mean a multitude - of articles about affiliate marketing, but this one I didn't recall. The words and phrasing looked like mine, but...

So I did the most common thing available for uncertain people around these days; I Googled a part of it.

I copy-pasted the following:

3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.

Google found 231.000 hits.

I went through the first couple of pages that Google found, all the articles where identical TO THE WORD. I had to sit down, thinking for myself: "Oh my god, what if I have written this! I should get the Noble Prize!".

Well, I still don't know where the original article came from - and I still hope that it may be mine - but here is the point of this story:

CopyCatting is one heck of an excellent way of getting quality material for your blogs, websites and newsletters. But how much quality is there left when 200.000+ people use the same stuff?
At least, copycatters, change a few words here and there!

Beggars and begging letters

Every now and then there is some kind of begging letters going around. Especially out there on the traffic exchanges. Mostly there is some kind of a "cause" behind the story, someone with a brain tumor, someones loved one dying in despair, the need of a new wheelchair... well through the years we've seen the lot.

On EasyHits4U there was a new variant: "Please, I need cash to start my online business".

Basically this guy was without internet, without computer and had no money. I don't remember if he was homeless or not, but the ad - he claimed - was written from the local library.

Oh yes. There are actually people like this. I have been one of them, being without internet, no laptop and no money. And I was then thinking of throwing a similar kind of stunt. Oh boy am I happy now that I did not!

The strange thing is; These guys actually get some money to their accounts this way! So, please go ahead and donate. I am out of beer!

Bitcoin: 17uK8t8hpezMFbwNHTtabxAkJnVsrUKpyt

I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.

- William Shakespeare

16 Nov 2010


A funny thing, I haven't done any serious surfing at all on a traffic exchange for almost a year.


I stopped clicking last fall when... Yes, I was basically surfing 16 to 18 hours per day, mostly over at TrafficEra. The team-chat was addictive and our team was more often in the top three of teams than not. Finally It went to the point where I had to decide between my wife and my mouse. Wasn't really that difficult, I say now many months later, but I remember the nights when I woke soaking in sweat and thinking about all the clocks I'd been missing. Yeah, well, you have had to be there to understand.

But basically, with a little help from my friends and family, I got free. And stayed clean for many months.

Then I suddenly had a mail from Easy Hits 4 You. And for some reason I opened it.

Now I'm doing 1000+ clicks per day at Easy Hits 4 You, just to get the $0.30 that every member get for surfing 1000.

I most definitely am a surfaholic.

But I know I can quit when ever I want to. I promise, honey!

Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange

14 Nov 2010

Working from home - For REAL

Oh, yes. There is a thing or two to say about the "Work at home" business. After all, that is what many of us do for a living. But NO, I am NOT, as you for certainty now are thinking, going to promote any obscure scam or go nuts about how to promote your business using some social media here. Not this time.

No, I am going to tell you how I feel sick when I see all those happy people - you know the pictures, you see them everywhere - sitti
ng there smiling behind a clean desk, perhaps waving at the camera, telling you some lies about how they only work four hours per week and make a fortune doing absolutely nothing.

UGH! My blood pressure rises to never seen heights when I just think of it.

Now. I am not saying that every single one of those pictures, and/or the people on them are fake, and some of them might just be tidy, but really; You d
on't have to be a mathematician to figure out the odds of all of those millions of people becoming not working millionaires simply on a PTC-program...

To show you all how it really may look like in the facilities of a serious online marketer I hereby, completely without shame, show you my working space. At home:

12 Nov 2010

Robert Louis Stevenson

Today we, all lovers of Treasure Island, celebrate the Scottish novelist, poet, essayist and travel writer R. L. Stevenson and the fact he was born 160 years ago today. Birthday party! His best-known books include Treasure Island - One we all know -, Kidnapped, and another classic; the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
I tried to find some TE, traffic exchange, that in any way possible remind me of either Stevenson or Treasure Island, but the few there was looked so puny so I decided to skip that tought. Instead I choosed to do something I haven´t done in a long while; Try a new Safelist!

I found one suitable for today called AdPirate Safelist that I will try to setup. Let's see what happens...

Hmmm.... Total members 1372. + 1 now. Fill in the usual details... List e-mail, contact e-mail, name password... Affiliate payout AlertPay... Membership free Ready to go!

Oh! The validation link went to my trash bin... Validate... God! I really do hate these "This is the last time you'll see this offer..." Unusual amount of these here. WAY too many.

The left bar with option seem to contain lots of things. And I am really saying LOTS here. I count to 53 (!) buttons, but I settle for the credit mailer - 10 000 credits, free member allowed to send to 370. New tracking-link from Linktrack, the famous copy-paste, and off we go!

11 Nov 2010

Smart Subscriber

So how many times have you seen someone offer you a free trial of something or other, but to get started you need to provide a credit card number, or use your AlertPay account to sign up?

Yes, yes. So here is another one. Perhaps worth a shot... At least it's free for 90 days. I will try it, it is called Smart Subscriber, and here is the story:

What these scammer guys are really doing is getting your credit card number or AlertPay account locked into their auto re-billing feature and hiding behind their real motive simply by telling you that it is for your convenience.

It is a well known fact that many people who offer products or services are making more money due simply to people forgetting to cancel these auto re-bills.

Now I'm not in any way speaking for all marketers. Many do in fact provide great value and are trying to make things easier, but it is also an overly abused marketing tactic to make the product or service owner a lot of extra recurring income.

You see a lot of unethical marketers know that most of the time you will forget about the trial and a few months later you will finally notice that you have been charged XX dollars every month. Guess who makes a pile of money that way. That's not the ethical way to do things in my opinion.

On a total flip side, here's an example of a guy who has an insanely good free trial offer, but you don't have to give your credit card or AlertPay account up front. It's just a free trial, because he believe it works and is not hiding behind anything!

It's a no obligations 90 Day Free Trial of what's called the Smart Subscriber marketing system. His name is Ian Herculson and he's been an online marketer for over a decade and claims he will make you money through affiliate commissions just to prove his service is worth paying for!

With no credit cards or AlertPay account stuff upfront, I'd say that's a pretty rock solid and safe free trial.

Risk free, so to speak.

9 Nov 2010


Sleepless, bored, and having nothing else to do besides finding new ways of doing things, I once again stumbled over a pretty good and fun site; AdKreator.

As most of us know, a splashpage or squeezepage is of great importance these days if you use those TE's for your advertising. And a good looking page is not always easy to do. Well, that used to be true, now that AdKreator is around it's all suddenly a game. And a fun game, that is.

Took me five minutes to do this one: Example , and I actually had fun doing it! Oh, and it is totally free. Imagine that!

AdKreator.com - Do it Yourself Advertising Design!

7 Nov 2010

Weekend off

One of the benefits with the "work at home"-concept is the ability of taking a day off whenever you want. Or a weekend.

After all, that is one of the main reasons why we become online marketers in the first place. Now, when I have done this for five years more or less, I finally have the financial freedom to do so.

It took time and errors, and most of the errors could have been avoided. Naturally, but I have always had a "mind of my own", as they say - my wife hates it, but we are still married ;) - and tried to find new and easier solutions for the things thousands and thousands before me already tried and found to be good.

Those two pictures I've placed here I took yesterday, when out sailing with my old dad, and I think they illustrate the true meaning of "freedom". Oh man, I am so lucky!

By the way, this free weekend was paid for with the bonuses I got from AlertPay. Did you know you get paid for signing up new members there?

3 Nov 2010

ZOUNDS of free visitors

I accidentally, when wasting time doing absolutely nothing, stumbled over this:

"250.000.000 visitors to your site!

When you signup, you are presented 10 websites for a period of 30 seconds each.

Some might say: "is too long..."

Wrong ! We want to send you real interested traffic, traffic that converts to sales, so, what you do is what you get! Be honest to the people who owns these 10 websites and your visitors will be honest with you. That means, take your time to sneak around each site. Serioulsly read what the site is all about, buy a product...

Once you will be completed with this step, we will give you a unique URL. A real .html page that we will index in 1,000s of search engines and directories.

Send people to your page (without spam of course). They will help you build your traffic. You can login to check your stats or change your URL as necessary. The results are guaranteed! Just try now, it's free!"

Well, it did not take long to sign up, and now I'm only waiting for some results! And I have to say, that if I get even 1 % of that traffic for my 300 sec. use of time it will be worth it.

If anyone of you are interested, here is the link: Free Cool Traffic!

If you happen to get results, of ANY kind, please leave a comment!

2 Nov 2010

Massive Surfing

Since I'm "Back in the saddle again", so to speak, I decided to do something that I haven't done for a long, long time; Massive surfing. That is, surfing multiple trafficexchanges simultaneously.

It can be hard on your clickin'finger and a killer for your mouse, but you do get a good grip on what is being promoted out there.

So I dug up some old passwords on StartXchange, Hit2Hit, Hit Lion, TopTierTraffic, WebBizInsider and a few more. Guess what I found?

Absolutely nothing had changed in the six months I've been away!

Well, not much anyways. Sure, I saw a few - yes, only a few - new sites that I haven't seen before, but mainly it was just the same old stuff.

So, any conclusions?

Are those old referral pages simply that good, or is here an opportunity for us to bring in some new stuff?

Well, to be honest, I'm going to try both!